An LED Sign with the Bright Look of Neon and the Flexibility of Print

With all the focus on social media and digital customer engagement, it is easy to overlook a marketing strategy that, for over a century, has proven to drive sales – illuminated signs.  Neon has traditionally been used as the illuminations source, but over the past decade LED products have taken a significant share of the signage market.  One LED technology, SpellBrite, enables restaurants, retailers, and other businesses to create illuminated signs that are as bright and striking as traditional neon signs, but which can be changed at any time.


With the SpellBrite signage system, one can make any sign and change it any time.



Neon & LED Based Signs

Neon signs have been used for over a hundred years to successfully drive traffic and sales.  There is no greater proof of the effectiveness of illuminated signs, and neon in particular, than Las Vegas.  Casinos there have used neon to the extreme to draw in customers and their money.  However, neon is declining in popularity, even in Las Vegas, due to safety concerns, maintenance hassles, environmental issues, and aesthetic challenges and many municipalities are banning neon.

LED-based signs have none of the drawbacks of neon signs and derive significant benefits from LEDs: long life, durable, low energy usage, light weight, etc.  LEDs are points of light and this creates aesthetic challenges if viewers are able to see the pixelation.  Several technologies have successfully addressed the pixel problem: large billboards and display screens which can cost hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.  Viewers are typically far enough from the display that the individual LEDs are not distinct, but actually form a composite image.

Another LED technology without pixelation is SpellBrite, a click together LED signage system that looks like neon.  The light from the individual LEDs are diffused into a smooth, bright line.  Since SpellBrite characters are modular and interchangeable, a user can create any message and change it any time.  Business owners can inexpensively test multiple messages, promotions, and price specials to find the most compelling to prospective customers; change signs for seasonal or timely opportunities; or modify general messaging to keep their storefront fresh. This radically increases the value of the signage system. 


The Value of a Changeable Signage System

Because of the flexibility available in creating custom sign messages, business owners in multiple industries have used SpellBrite in different ways to increase sales and strengthen their market position.

Announce Unique Offerings:

After hanging his first sign, Steve Scaglione, owner of Maurizio’s Pizza & Sports Bar in St. Louis, was all in.  He immediately invested $4,000 more in SpellBrite signs.  Steve said, “Within weeks of putting up the sign “BANQUET ROOM AVAILABLE” with our phone number, we went from getting almost no calls on the banquet room to 20 to 25 calls per week.  SpellBrite has been wonderful for my business.”

Promote Specials:Big Sammy SpellBrite Article Aug 2015 (002)

Sam of Big Sammy’s Hot Dogs in Elgin, IL uses SpellBrite to promote the combo at his three shops.  When food costs increased, Sam changed the price on “2 HOT DOGS FRIES & DRINK $5.00” to $5.50 and later to $6.25 just by buying a few more numbers.  “Large chains spend millions of dollars to promote their value meals.  SpellBrite puts my value meal on equal footing and for much less money,” says Sam. “And you can’t miss the signs.  They bring the customers in.”

Attract Employees:NowHiringDriver_201#FEB3801

A multi-unit owner of a national pizza chain found using a “NOW HIRING DRIVERS” sign led to a fivefold increase in driver candidates.  The owner is pleased, “Drivers constantly turnover.  I’ve gone from hoping for a warm body, to selecting candidates that will represent our brand well.”

Differentiate Your Business:

An agent for a national insurance company uses the sign “SWITCH AND SAVE UP TO 40%” to help reinforce that they are not only an established, trusted brand, but are a good value as well.  The agent has been so pleased that he has purchased a kit of letters to periodically change messages.

Highlight Urgency:

A franchisee of a large tax chain started with the sign “10 DAYS TO FILE” and counted down to April 15.  “The sign more than paid for itself and I continue to do business with many of these customers.”

Announce Immediate Availability:

Jim Horn, owner of Hairsmith in Carpentersville, IL increased his revenue and chair utilization with a “NO WAIT” sign.  “We are in a strip center and the various stores draw a fair amount of traffic.  When we have an open chair we turn on our ‘NO WAIT’ sign with a remote and it quickly pulls customers in.  The SpellBrite sign has helped sales increase over 15%, with no increase in man-hours at the barber shop.”


Business owners have multiple good options for signage product.  Many have chosen SpellBrite because it combines the striking impact of neon with the flexibility of print.  Using SpellBrite to test and communicate compelling messages has increased sales for many businesses across multiple industries.

Create A Custom Sign!

It’s easy. Type in the box below to see a scale model!

You can enter up to 20 letters per line with these characters: A-Z, 0-9, $, %, !, &, apostrophe, hyphen, period and space.
You can add more lines in the next step.
Please wait while your sign is created.

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